
Mississippi Fiji Inc. is informally referred to as "the housing corp" or "the house corporation". MSFiji Inc. is the owner of the house. Its responsibilities include the promotion of Phi Gamma Delta within the state of Mississippi through the acquisition and maintenance of property suitable to such interests. Any graduate (in good standing) of the Sigma Mu chapter of Phi Gamma Delta is by nature a member of MSFiji Inc. The business of MSFiji Inc. is conducted through the election of a board of directors. This board of directors is responsible for tasks such as the execution of a mortgage for the fraternity house and capital improvements.

The board of directors or "board" is comprised of elected directors and the Purple Legionnaire. These are voting members responsible for making decisions related to the house and stewardship involvement with the undergraduate chapter. Click to see board members.

The BCA (board of chapter advisors) is a distinct entity from the housing corp. Its purpose is to provide informal mentoring and spiritual guidance to the undergraduate chapter. The BCA will typically attend board meetings and will play the role of intermediary between the board and the undergraduate chapter as necessary. Some chapter advisors are voting members of the board (i.e. directors). Click to see chapter advisors.

You are encouraged to communicate your thoughts about graduate and undergraduate activities to the entire board by emailing board@msfiji.com . The board of chapter advisors can be emailed using bca@msfiji.com .